
Ensham Life of Mine Extension Project

Project Summary

Ensham proposes to increase the life of the existing underground operations by extending the underground bord and pillar mine into an area identified as the Project Site, which includes zones 1, 2 and 3 (Figure below). The Project would be located in the western part of the central Bowen Basin, approximately 200 kilometres west of Rockhampton and 35 kilometres east of Emerald.

The Project covers an area of approximately 2,737 hectares and includes the following three zones:

• Zone 1: MDL 217 and requires a ML application to be lodged (approximately 2,134 ha)

• Zone 2: partially includes existing leases ML 70326, ML 70365 and ML 7459 (approximately 394 ha)

• Zone 3: partially includes existing leases ML 7459 and ML 70366 (approximately 209 ha).

With the inclusion of the proposed project, Ensham Mine would:

• Continue to produce at current production rates and would not seek to change the current Environmental Authority (EA) limit (condition A5), which authorises the mining of 12 million tonnes of Run of Mine (ROM) coal per annum.

• Extend the operating life of the existing underground bord and pillar operations at the Ensham Mine by up to nine years to approximately 2037, with underground decommissioning/rehabilitation expected to be completed by 2039

• No additional surface infrastructure or surface disturbance is proposed as part of the new mine lease area (ie. Zone 1)

• Continue to utilise existing operational mine equipment and infrastructure located on the existing and approved mining leases

• Enable Ensham to provide the continuation of long-term employment within the Central Highlands region


The Project will be assessed under the environmental impact statement (EIS) process in Chapter 3 of the Environmental Protection Act 1994. Enquiries about the EIS documents can be made by phoning 1800 290 620 or by submitting an enquiry via link: Contact us.

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